Saturday 30 August 2014

Highlights from my favourite books-1

  • Tuba shared from Mindfulness: A practical guide to peace in a frantic world by Prof Mark Williams, Dr Danny Penman
    You can stop the spiral from feeding off itself and triggering the next cycle of negative thoughts. You can stop the cascade of destructive emotions that can end up making you unhappy, anxious, stressed, irritable or exhausted.
  • Tuba shared from Mindfulness: A practical guide to peace in a frantic world by Prof Mark Williams, Dr Danny Penman
    A flicker of sadness, frustration or anxiety can bring back unsettling memories, whether you want them or not. Soon you can be lost in gloomy thoughts and negative emotions. And often you don’t know where they came from – they just appeared, seemingly from thin air. You can become bad tempered, irritable or sad without really knowing why. You’re left wondering, Why am I in a bad mood? Or, Why do I feel so sad and tired today?
  • Tuba shared from Mindfulness: A practical guide to peace in a frantic world by Prof Mark Williams, Dr Danny Penman
    Mindfulness is about observation without criticism; being compassionate with yourself.
  • Tuba shared from And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
    A story is like a moving train: no matter where you hop onboard, you are bound to reach your destination sooner or later.
  • Tuba shared from And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
    Abdullah turned his face up to the sky and wailed just as Pari came skipping back to him, her eyes dripping with gratitude, her face shining with happiness.
  • Tuba shared from And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
    Nothing good came free. Even love. You paid for all things. And if you were poor, suffering was your currency.
  • Tuba shared from And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
  • I found a sad little fairy Beneath the shade of a paper tree. I know a sad little fairy Who was blown away by the wind one night

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